Activating/ Licensing PremiSys Software

Licensing Premisys Software

You MUST be on the Server Computer to Activate any of the PremiSys Licensing.


You see this window:

 Click “On-Line Activation” to activate your PremiSys software quickly over the Internet. Click “Manual Activation” only if you cannot get an Internet connection. You MUST call Technical Support to manually activate the software.

The following window opens:

Follow the numbered steps below to activate your base PremiSys product in the Online Registration window. 

1. Look in your PremiSys software box for the sheet printed with your License ID and Password. Enter them in their respective fields.

 2. Click the "OK" button and wait for the activation to be processed. You will know that the activation is complete and successful when the PremiSys Login window shown below reappears. Note that this window has no blue hyperlinks at its bottom, and its title bar reads “Login” and not “Demo Mode.”

 3. Log into your PremiSys software, using Admin as the username and Badge1 as the password if yours is a new installation.

Contact Tech Support with any questions or with any problems encountered while completing online license activation.

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