Add Card/Credential to PremiSys using the Web Client

The web client with Version 4.8 of PremISys will allow you to add credentials to a cardholder record including ENGAGE doors and devices.

Add a card using the Web Client

1. Open your web client in a web browser and log in.

2. Open a cardholder's record. Click on record or search at the top of the page to the right of the PremiSys logo. The record will open.

3. Click Add a Credential button on the right side of the Cardholder Record window.

4. The Card Information window will open. Type in your card number and other details you would like (Activation/Deactivation dates - Active - Primary Card - ADA Timing) the active box is checked by default and must be checked for the card to function.
You can then select or search for the access group(s) you would like the card to be assigned to, in the lower part of the window.
5. Click the Advanced tab at the top of the Card Information window. You can add advanced features to your card on this window including PIN number, Use Limit, Vacation settings, Engage Card Format, Engage Site Code, Engage Card function, antipassback settings, and exempt use count.
Add or check any card settings you need and then click the blue Save button at the bottom of the Card Information window to save the card information.

6. You must now save the Cardholder record by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the Cardholders Record.

The card will be saved and sent to the appropriate panels.

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