Software House Bridge with PremiSys quick reference.

Software House Bridge

Attention: Please be aware that the Software House Bridge is intended to replace existing Software House hardware and does not function as an additional hardware component. It is not designed to expand the system with additional Software House hardware. If you wish to expand the system, please consider using OEM IDenticard Mercury Hardware instead.


IStarPro Is supported – IStarUltra is not supported

The enclosure is a Software House enclosure.

Mercury released hardware to retro-fit to replace software house hardware inside of a Software House Enclosure.

Software House hardware is exchanged in the enclosure for  Mercury MS-ICS, MS-ACS goes in SH hardware’s place

Pop connector of software house hardware put it on mercury hardware

***No connectors are sent with the replacement panels***

***Not sold to add additional Software House hardware***


MS-ICS replaces the controller

To wire additional Mercury boards to this MS-ICS board use P7 (485) port

MS-ACS is connected to the MS-ICS via ribbon cables. To connect additional boards such as input and output boards MS-R8S use the connector TB25 through TB32 using  485 communication. In the Premisys software select the entry TB25-32 to distinguish communication through this 485 port and not the ribbon cable as shown below:

Connecters TB32-25 pictured above. Wire MS-R8S or MSI8S to the connectors.

RC-AS represents the ribbon cable.

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