Software House Bridge with PremiSys quick reference.
Software House Bridge
IStarPro Is supported – IStarUltra is not supported
The enclosure is a Software House enclosure.
Mercury released hardware to retro-fit to replace software house hardware inside of a Software House Enclosure.
Software House hardware is exchanged in the enclosure for Mercury MS-ICS, MS-ACS goes in SH hardware’s place
Pop connector of software house hardware put it on mercury hardware
***No connectors are sent with the replacement panels***
***Not sold to add additional Software House hardware***
MS-ICS replaces the controller
To wire additional Mercury boards to this MS-ICS board use P7 (485) port
MS-ACS is connected to the MS-ICS via ribbon cables. To connect additional boards such as input and output boards MS-R8S use the connector TB25 through TB32 using 485 communication. In the Premisys software select the entry TB25-32 to distinguish communication through this 485 port and not the ribbon cable as shown below:
Connecters TB32-25 pictured above. Wire MS-R8S or MSI8S to the connectors.
RC-AS represents the ribbon cable.