AddIn Architecture Failed to Start - Services unavailable

AddIn Architecture Failed to Start - Services unavailable

The most common reason for this error is the "IDenticard Windows Service" is not running on the server or on the local machine if you are running a standalone. 

How to Start the IDenticard Windows Service.

Starting Services Step-By-Step

1. Click on the “Windows Start Menu” Button on the lower-left corner of the Windows Desktop

2. Type in “Services.msc”

3. Click on “Services” item which appears in the search results area

4. Wait for the “Services” windows to open.

5. Scroll down in the list of services to find either (or both) of the IDenticard services.

6. Right click on each of the services you wish to start and choose “Start”. NOTE: If you are starting both IDenticard services, you should start the IDenticard Windows Service FIRST.

7. A progress dialog will appear indicating the service is being started. Wait for the dialog to close on its own.

NOTE: In order to start a service running on a Windows operating system, a user will need to have proper rights assigned to them within the PC/Domain security configuration.
There are multiple ways to perform most operations in a Windows environment. The above process explains one specific method to start a service. Client PCs may not be able to login immediately after restarting the services while the service initiates communications with PremiSys hardware.

If you would like more information please download: How to restart the Premisys Services.PDF

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