How to set up a Map in PremiSys

Maps can be used to show the status of doors, monitor points, and control points on a customizable image. Maps can be used as a visual aid, or as a way to see all icons at once while in the Monitor and Control function. Typically customers use maps where their security officers are monitoring the system. This allows guards to see what is happing with a visual aid, they can see where an event is happening on the map in real-time.

How to set up a map in PremiSys

You will need an Admin login to the PremiSys system and graphics of the maps you will be using.

In Tasks - Hardware Configuration, go to the Access Settings tab, and Map(s) folder, then right-click to add a new map. You can enter a Name, Description, and a Map file. You can choose to store this file in the database or fileshare, it's recommended to use the database to store the map file. When you browse for the map file, make sure to select the file type you are using to see the file in the directory. Note that it defaults to the .bmp file type.

Map Graphic file types supported: .bmp, .emf, .gif, .jpeg, .png, .tiff, and .wmf files.
It is recommended to use the smallest map file size that you can. A large map file size can take a long time to open or it may not open at all. If you added a map and it is not opening, try deleting the map and then re-adding the map as a smaller file size.

After you click Ok, your map will open. You may have to close and reopen for the picture to refresh. You can then drag icons from your hardware window into the map. Right-click for more features, such as adding labels or rotating icons. The map needs to be open in hardware configuration. Go to the Hardware tab and you can click and drag,

Map Buttons Usage

You will have access to these map buttons on the toolbar after you create a map. The buttons are present in Hardware Configuration and Monitor and Control.

You will have to open the map in Monitor and Contol. You can do this by going to Tasks - Monitor/Control Hardware - Access Settings Tab - Map(s) folder - Double click the map to open it.

Map Buttons

When a map is open and on top, you will see the map control buttons. These buttons allow you to Edit, Zoom in and out, reset the map to 100%, Open photo recall, change what map is being viewed, and pop the map out to a separate window.

Map Buttons: The map buttons are only shown when a map is open.

Edit Map: Only works in Hardware Configuration

Zoom: This allows you to Zoom in and Zoom out of the selected map

Resets Map to the default size.

This button opens Photo Recall.

This allows you to change the map that is being viewed.

Pop-out map. This will pop the window outside of PremiSys, allowing you to drag the map to a second monitor.

Monitor and Control Map Icon Usage

Depending on how you built the map you will have doors, elevators, monitor points, control points, cameras, and indicator icons paced on the map. Each one of these icons can be right-clicked for more actions.

You can right-click a blank area of the map and you will have the option to switch to a different map or open photo recall.

If you right-click a door icon on the map, this gives you multiple options - Switch Map, Actions, Photo Recall, Schedule, Momentary Unlock, Unlock, Lock. This will give you all the options you have within the door in the hardware tab in monitor and control.

Door Icon Legend

You can right-click any of the icons you added for actions related to that icon.

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