Not Enough Licenses Remaining when logging into PremiSys

When I log into PremiSys I get a message stating "Not Enough Licenses Remaining"

There are two categories of license's in the PremiSys Access Control System.

1. PremiSys Client (Access Control License - Allows you to add hardware, monitor transactions, change access groups etc. )

2. PremiSys ID Client (Printing / Badging License - Allows you to print cards.)

The System Administrators group by default will use both a Premisys Client and PremiSys ID client license.

You can view the License management by clicking Help - License Upgrade.

In order to use only a PremiSys Access Control License you need to remove the printing role for the group that users is a part of, you can do this by following these steps.

1. Login to PremiSys and click Tasks - Security Administration.

2. Click the Groups tab. Highlight the Group you would like to edit and click edit.

3. Uncheck “print badges” role, to remove the printing rights and then click OK.

(See image below)

This group will not be able to print and will only use a PremiSys Client license when logging in.

You can confirm your changes. Log off and log in to PremiSys Click Help - License Upgrade.

I removed the printing role and it shows I have 2 PremiSys ID licenses remaining.

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