How to edit the Drop Down Box on the Screen.

How to edit the Drop-Down Box on the Screen

I want to add a new Department into drop down box on the screen design.

1. Go to Tools > Data > Data Management.

2. Click and highlight on the field you wish to edit, then click Populate.  

3. Click the + to add a row where you enter a new selection. Or, find the row you wish to edit, then double click on that row to drop the cursor on the row and edit. (You can also delete a row by selecting that row and clicking the red X to delete.)

4. When finished hit OK.

5. Close the Tables window.

6. If you had a record open when editing the drop-down box, click the Save button to refresh the page and the drop-down box.

You should now see the additional selection in the drop-down box on your screen design.

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