1. Set S1 DIP switches to: 1 & 2 "ON", 3 & 4 "OFF".

2. Apply power to the LP1501 board. LED 1 on for about 15 seconds while LP1501 boots up.

3. After the LP1501 boots up, watch for LEDs 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 to alternately flash at a 0.5 second rate.

4. Within 10 seconds after the above pattern starts, change switches 1 or 2 to "OFF". If these switches are not changed, the LP1501 board will power up using the OEM default communication parameters.

5. LED 2 will flash indicating that the configuration memory is being erased.

6. Full memory erase takes up to 60 seconds, usually a lot less.

7. When complete, only LEDs 1 & 4 will flash for about 3 seconds.

8. The LP1501 board will complete its initialization in 2 seconds after LEDs 1 & 4

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