SQL Server Database Requirements

SQL Server Database Requirements for installing PremiSys.

  • PremiSys supports Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012, Server 2014, Server 2016, and Server 2019 including Express editions.
  • The PremiSys installation includes Microsoft® SQL Server® 2019 Express if a SQL server is not already available. Microsoft defines the operating characteristics of this installed database and any limitations it may have. Acre has no control over the specifications of this product.
  • Two databases, Cardholders, and PremiSys attach to the database engine during installation.
  • Administrative access in SQL, e.g., an “sa” login, is necessary to install or upgrade PremiSys or PremiSys Pro.
  • The SQL server must support mixed mode authentication.
  • PremiSys clients use a SQL login that is created during installation so they can connect to the database.
  • PremiSys incorporates a module allowing backups of the system database. Users can select whether to include access-control transactions and/or cardholder photo and signature files in the backups.
  • PremiSys also incorporates a module allowing the archiving of access-control transactions to maintain efficient database and controller-buffer functioning.
  • SQL-level backups are always recommended and can be managed using SQL Server tools.
  • If using your own SQL server, make sure the SQL Browser Service is enabled and running.
  • If you are using your own SQL Server you must make sure to enable the protocols. TCP/IP, Named Piped, and Shared Memory must be enabled in the SQL Configuration Manager.
  • You must make sure TCP Port 1433 is open. (SQL Server)
  • You must make sure UDP Port 1434 is open for SQL.
  • A Windows® firewall exception is made for sqlbrowser.exe, which is used for interactions between the server and the database and the client and the database. Our use of sqlbrowser.exe is in keeping with the specifications Microsoft describes in its MSDN article “Using SQL Server Browser.”

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