Custom PremiSys Install - Long Password Policy

Custom PremiSys Install - Password Policy Long Password 

This install guide is for when there is a password policy in place that exceeds 10 characters. The default password for the built-in SQL account for PremisysUsr is 10 characters in length by default. You will need to use your own custom password. Contact Technical Support and they can generate the encryption that you will need for your custom password.
  1. 1. Install the SQL Instance you wish to use (unless one already exists).
  2. 2. Visit Microsoft's website and download the SQL Server Management Studio.
  3. 3. Once Downloaded, open SQL Sever Management Studio and type the appropriate SQL Instance name and login and click connect.
  4. 4. Once logged make sure that SQL allows both windows logins as well as SQL Server accounts. This can be done by right clicking on the database Instance and selecting properties. Then click on security and make sure under server authentication that SQL Server Logins are enabled and click ok.
  5. 5. Expand the Security folder and right click on Logins folder. Select new login and create user PremiSysUsr , select SQL Server authentication and enter the password you want to use.  NOTE: Make sure to only check Enforce password policy
  6. Install Premisys -- it will fail when it tries to start the services. Leave it at the "Retry" window.
  7. You will need to call Tech Support so that the encryption can be created for the files PremiSys will use. Use notepad or a text editor to modify the encrypted password in three places in each file below.  Save the file after modifications, you may not be able to save in the current directory. Save the file to the desktop and then copy the file into the directory overwriting the original file.
    1. C:\Program Files\Identicard\localconfigv2.config
    2. This is an example of the localconfigV2 file. Highlighted are the 3 values that need modified.          <LocalConfig>
          <add key="CardholdersDB_Server" value="COMPUTERNAME\IDenticard"/>
          <add key="CardholdersDB_Database" value="Cardholders"/>
          <add key="CardholdersDB_UserName" value="pDfmqf2QeGLorbWLKor1mw=="/>
          <add key="CardholdersDB_Password" value="ENCRYPTED PASSWORD"/>
          <add key="SystemDB_Server" value="COMPUTERNAME\IDenticard"/>
          <add key="SystemDB_Database" value="PremiSys"/>
          <add key="SystemDB_UserName" value="pDfmqf2QeGLorbWLKor1mw=="/>
          <add key="SystemDB_Password" value="ENCRYPTED PASSWORD"/>
          <add key="LookupDB_Server" value="COMPUTERNAME\IDenticard"/>
          <add key="LookupDB_Database" value="PremiSys"/>
          <add key="LookupDB_UserName" value="pDfmqf2QeGLorbWLKor1mw=="/>
          <add key="LookupDB_Password" value="ENCRYPTED PASSWORD"/>
          <add key="CheckLicensing" value="false"/>
          <add key="RememberUsername" value="true"/>
          <add key="LaunchProductionUI" value="true"/>
          <add key="ServerOnly_ServicesServerHost" value="COMPUTERNAME"/>
          <add key="DatabaseReadConfigValueRetries" value="3"/>
          <add key="DatabaseReadConfigValueTimeBetweenAttempts_millisec" value="3000"/>
          <add key="IDenticardServiceRestartTimeout_millisec" value="5000"/>
          <add key="LicenseServerCheckTimeout_millisec" value="35000"/>
          <add key="StartServiceWithScpDebugLogging" value="false"/>
  8. In most cases the install will change the password back to the original password and the PremiSysUsr account will be locked out.
  9. Login to SQL Server Management Studio and go to the properties of PremiSysUsr.
  10. Click the status tab and under status: SQL Server Authentication: uncheck Login is locked out.
  11. Go back to the General tab and set the password back to your original password you entered.
  12. Click the Retry button and the Premisys install should complete successfully.

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